I'm Rhia

A creative Junior Web Developer. Based in London, UK.

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About Me

I am a Web Developer with a strong passion for building engaging, responsive, and user-centric websites. I've built a variety of personal projects, each showcasing different styles and functionalities. Committed to continually refining my abilities.

Tech Stack

VS Code


Daily to-do app
Rock Paper Scissors

Completed as part of the Codecademy Learn React course, this project features a Rock, Paper, Scissors game that highlights skills in styling with React. A mix of inline styling, object variable syntax, and CSS modules is utilized to create an engaging user interface, showcasing a strong understanding of React's styling conventions. Designed for both functionality and visual appeal.

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Daily to-do app
Daily Task List

Tailored for daily productivity and managing life admin! Features include filtering tasks, allowing users to switch between “complete” and “incomplete” tasks to boost productivity, and a "Delete All" function to refresh your task list daily with a single click. Built with JavaScript, using elements seamlessly interact with the HTML structure, ensuring optimal functionality and responsiveness.

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Real-Time Character Counter
Real-Time Character Counter

The Dynamic Character Counter is a web application offers real-time character counting functionality for text input fields, with a visually appealing design featuring gradient backgrounds and box shadow effects. Notably, it includes a reset button which triggers a JavaScript function that sets the value of the input field to an empty string, effectively clearing any text entered by the user.

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API Weather App
API Weather App

Used a live API to extract and display real-time weather data, including temperature, description, humidity, and wind speed with a 5-day forecast feature. Coded a dynamic manipulation of icons and gradient backgrounds based on weather conditions to user interaction.

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E-Commerce Landing Page 1.0
E-Commerce Landing Page 1.0

Built as part of SheCodes coursework submission, this project combines a passion for interior design with online retail expertise. The website showcases a modern, minimalist design, featuring a section to display blog posts and an interactive 'Sign up' JavaScript function. Intended to be a space where design meets functionality. Desktop only. Built using JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS3.

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Committed to continuous learning, here are a few of my recent achievements.